Thursday, October 15, 2009

And Don't You Worry What the Bitter Hearts Are Gonna Say

I'm currently participating in a Practicum project for my Book of Mormon class. I had the option of choosing from 4 areas and I chose language. This means for two weeks I am following 4 rules, creating a plan of action to follow them successfully, keeping a daily journal of my progress, and writing a review of my experience at the end of the two weeks. My 4 rules are:

1- no complaining
2- no gossip
3-no sarcasm
4-only say positive and uplifting things about others

So far I've been doing really well, and it's been a really good experience. I have complained twice though... both times it was about Head Drawing. While doing my homework I told my roommate Emily, I was drawing a "stupid skull". And when I talked to my mom after class yesterday, I whimpered that "drawing was hard". I went on to tell her about some of the success I'd had while drawing that day, and was mostly positive, but I definitely started with a complaint. Apparently my attitude about my Head Drawing class is a weakness.

Along with that realization- here's some things I'm understanding better, because of this assignment:

1- Bad things happen, and talking about them isn't complaining. What makes the difference, is attitude.

2- Though I don't believe sarcasm is always inappropriate, thinking a little more about when you use it, can help one be a little more sensitive to those around them.

3- Being positive really is contagious.

4- I know that I'm already an optimistic person.. but my roomie says that this project has increased it. That's okay with me, because I really like being happy :)


Katy said...

Oh Emily. You would do a project like this!! I am inspired to start watching my attitude more. You're amazing! loves!