Ok world- I'm back to blogging. It's one of several awesome goals I have for this summer. I'm sure I'll be sharing some of my other goals soon as well. So to kick off my return to the blogging world (which includes following the blogs of my fabulous, beloved friends a little more closely), we're going to start by bringing back the Song of the Week!!! Be excited. Be very excited.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
We are shaped by the light that we let through us
Posted by Emily at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 25, 2011
I Can Tell That We Are Gonna Be Friends
So I'm just chillin' in Rexburg this fine Sunday evening. We just enjoyed a roommate dinner of Shepherd's Pie. We all contributed ingredients. I donated potatoes... again. I have a 20 pound bag, so I also made some fabulous mashed potatoes last Sunday for our pot-luck roommate dinner. Last week we had pot roast w/ veggies, mashed potatoes, garlic knots, lemonade, and caramel pecan brownies for dessert. We're pretty much Sunday dinner professionals. I shall use this post to introduce you to the Abby Lane Manor 102 Crew!
Beginning on the left is Jessica B.- 19 yrs. old. She's an art major from Upstate New York. She's very talented in the kitchen and her favorite color is lime green.
Next is Allison G.- 21 yrs. old. She's from Colorado Springs, CO. She's an English major- professional writing emphasis w/ clusters in French and Figure Drawing. She's got an awesome sense of personal style.
Erika W. is third from the left, 23 yrs. old. She's from Boise, ID studying elementary education. We're very kindred spirits and have lots of fun together. She writes great poetry and loves going to the temple as much as I do.
Camille E. is next, also 23 yrs. old. We are room-roommates. She's a University Studies major from Portland, OR. Her minors are in Humanities and Geography. She has some sweet cross stitch skills and is a joy to have around.
Last but not least, is Mary J.- 20 yrs. old, also from Upsate New York. She's engaged to Jessica's brother Mark and will be getting married in December. She's studying elementary education and has a great sense of humor.
I feel very blessed to live which such fabulous women!
Posted by Emily at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 22, 2011
Life's a Dance You Learn as You Go

Posted by Emily at 10:07 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I'm Leavin' on a Jet Plane!
There's a chance I may post on here later today, but after that no new posts will appear on this particular blog for the next 18 months. (don't stop following it- I'll be back ;) )
My awesome sister will be posting and updating all about my mission at sisterpilmer.blogspot.com
Follow it! Leave comments! All my contact info and such will also be there if you want to write me.
Posted by Emily at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Mama, I just want you to know...

There is nobody in the whole world quite like my mother, and I love her so much! She’s an absolutely incredible woman full of light and love. She has so much patience and is such a strength to our family. Here’s a small sampling of why I love my mom and our awesome relationship!
*If we go out to eat, there’s about a 90% chance that we’ll order the exact same thing or even split an order.
*She’s probably the reason I listen to country music. (She listened to it in the car, when we ran errands together when I was little.) We have so much fun when we go to country concerts together! (Especially Collin Raye, Tracy Byrd, or Little Texas)
*She’s a great shopping companion.
*She’s always willing to help me with a sewing project, and loves me to help her with craft projects. We make a fabulous team.
*We love BYU football, and are more passionate Cougar fans than anyone else in our family.
*She’s always been a mom first, and a friend second- laying down the law when it was needed. I believe that to be a key reason why we can now be such great friends and have such a healthy relationship.
*She’s always been so respectful and supportive of my choices and my dreams.
*Her love is unconditional.
*She lives her testimony of the gospel and is an amazing example of faith and strength.
*She’s a great cook and a great source of practical kitchen advice. (And she always willing to email a recipe to me or answer cooking questions over the phone.)
*She’s one of my favoritest people to talk to in the whole wide world. Whether I want to chat about nonsense, vent about a boy, or talk through something serious, she’s always there with a willing ear and usually the right thing to say.
*She has mommy magic, and also she just might know everything.
*Having served a mission herself, she has been such a support and help as I prepare to serve. I honestly don’t know how I could have handled all the logistics of mission prep without her and her awesome support.
This list could go on for quite awhile, but since I need to get to bed I’ll end it here for now. Just know that my mom is a hero to me and represents so much of who I want to be. I told my brother earlier tonight, “If I can be half the mommy that Mommy is, I’ll be a good mommy. “ His response? “Truth.”
And nobody says it quite like Boyz II Men, so please enjoy:
Posted by Emily at 11:04 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
You Can Turn Off the Sun, But I'm Still Gonna Shine!
I caught up on reading my friends’ blogs this afternoon, and am relieved to know I’m not the only one who didn’t post enough (or at all) over the holidays. Between finishing up school, enjoying the holidays, and preparing to leave on my mission… blogging just took a backseat for the last couple of months. I’m still alive though and doing fabulously! I have a goal of posting at least every other day until I leave on my mission. (more if I can manage it) In two weeks though, I enter the Missionary Training Center! Crazy huh? It’s coming so fast! I am incredibly excited!
So finishing up school was quite the adventure… especially the last 24 hours I spent Rexburg. The Thursday afternoon before I returned home to Utah (Friday afternoon), I had finally finished all my finals (which were all projects, no exams). Brandt came over to hang out with Emily, Katy, and me to say goodbyes and play for a little bit.

We were having a grand time, and taking lots of pics, when suddenly the power went out. We already had the camera out, so Brandt and I pretended to be scared.
My friend in the dorms said that there were tons of little freshman girls actually scared… screaming freshman girls in the dark… I’m really glad I wasn’t there. We were a little confused, but one of my roommates’ mom called the power company, and discovered that an entire substation had gone down. The power was out across several towns. So we spent the next while creating our own power outage fun. We tested our cell phones to see whose light was the brightest:
We frolicked in the icy parking lot and went for a drive:
Then Brandt went home, and it was just Emily and I hanging out. I realized I might be in for a cold night considering all my blankets and bedding were in Utah. Justin came up Tuesday night and took all my stuff back with him. All I had for bedding was my little bean pillow and my new pink snuggie… Emily took pity on me and we decided to drag our top mattresses into the living room for a power outage sleepover. We used Emily’s awesome comforter and slept warmly with our matching bean pillows. The power did come on in the middle of the night, but we had fun in the meantime. We enjoyed some fun girl talk, and of course Oreos!

Even if my schedule for White Glove cleaning and wrapping everything up in Rexburg got set back because of the power outage… It was a fun adventure. Thanks to my awesome roomies and friends for making it so fun!
Posted by Emily at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
These Are the Moments, These Are the Times
After our temple session Friday night, my family and I set out to enjoy some quality time together in Rexburg. Our first initiative was to get some dinner at Craigo's- a Rexburg original pizza place. You can tell you're in Idaho when they serve pizza with potatoes on it :) I really like Craigo's and it was fun to share it with my family. After dinner we were all pretty tired, and went back to the hotel they were staying at for a little hot tubbing.
When we arrived the hot tub was fully occupied so my sister and I decided to try sitting on a ledge in the pool... it wasn't quite the same. It was however,, entirely entertaining. A father, two little daughters, and one little son (all probably age 10 and under) were playing in the pool. The father was trying deperately to keep his kids from bothering us or any other guests. The children were trying desperately to be normal, rowdy, little kids in the pool. We were splashed over and over and the little girls liked swimming over to us and explaining how they used to take swimming lessons and such. The boy was my favorite though, he was shouting across the pool to his dad trying to get some attention, and it sounded something like this:
"Dad! Dad! I'll swim for you! Dad, Dad! I'll swim for you! Hey Dad! Dad! I'll swim for you Dad! ....."like a monkey! or a soldier! I can swim like a monkey!.... or a soldier! ... or a monkey!... or a soldier!... Hey Dad! I'll swim for you!"
After half an hour or so, my mom eventually asked the current hot tub occupants if we could have a turn and they were very nice about it. The boys came out and joined us, and we enjoyed chatting and relaxing. The spot I sat in had like 5 awesomely powerful jets on my back, and it was SO nice.
After the hot tub, we left the parents to get some shut eye and headed back to my apartment. The three of us had fun playing air hockey in my lounge. Amanda and I are pretty even in skill, and Justin can dominate both of us. The best part was while giggling uncontrollably, I scored 4 points for Justin (hitting the puck into my own goal) in rapid succession. After the fourth one, he and I both lost it and melted to the floor in hysteric laughter. It was fabulous :)
We went back to the apartment to chill with my roomies. Brandt also came over to hang out with us and we mostly vegged a bit while Emily (roommate, not me) finished watching "Annie" on TV. Pickle headed back to the hotel, and the rest of us sat around being ridiculous, chatting, watching you tube, and letting Brandt entertain us. For a glimpse into our craziness, read some quotes of the evening in my sister's blog post.
This is one of the many ways Brandt entertained us (that's Amanda blogging in the background):
Amanda and I tried to be cool and watch "Brothers Grimm" while we had our sleepover in my living room. It didn't really work. We crashed too quickly. I was SO sleepy when it was time to wake up. The fam headed out around 9:30 Saturday morning which was far too soon. I already miss them! It made me feel very loved to have them all in Rexburg with me. I love them SOOOOOOOO much :)
Posted by Emily at 10:46 PM 0 comments