Monday, August 22, 2011

Life's a Dance You Learn as You Go

As of yesterday I've officially been a returned missionary for two months! Is it a little nuts that I'm an RM? That label actually applies to me? Yes. But it's a good thing. I wouldn't trade my mission for anything! I loved it SO much, and even though it was so hard- it was so simple and wonderful. So how do I feel about my life right now?

-It's far more complicated than my mission. My focus is now divided in a hundred directions and I have to strive for balance instead of having one very clear


-I'm so incredibly blessed. I started working right after I got home. I have amazing friends, a wonderful ward, and an AWESOME family :)

-Dating is ridiculous. Not really... it's good... just exhausting and frustrating sometimes. At least I'm going on dates and having fun w/ it :) It's just so complicated.

-It's nice to be able to spend time working on healthy habits now that my time is a little more "mine". I bike to and from work almost every day. It's nice that I get to choose what I eat most of the time (not that I always make wise choices). I love doing yoga, random video workouts, and hiking when I get the chance. This morning- I fell in love w/ Zumba.

-Being a "grown up" is hard- dealing w/ medical bills, large purchases like my new laptop, and replanning out my schooling, etc. ... I get pretty overwhelmed by that stuff. I may be 23, but w/o my mom I might just explode w/ stress sometimes bein
g an "adult".

-I'm so grateful for the gospel. Life may be complicated, but the gospel of Jesus Christ is simple and true and I love it.

This post isn't necessarily clever or well written
or possibly even interesting, but it's past time for me to start blogging again. So welcome back to Stardust and Sparkly Stuff my friends! Stay tuned for more interesting stuff!